Mentioned in the Domesday Book, it is likely that St Margaret’s Nave dates from this period. In the 15th Century, the Watton family added a Manorial South Chapel, and later in that century the North porch and West tower. In the 17th Century, the large East window in the South Chapel was blocked up to allow the erection of the Watton memorial. The Chapel contains a panelled and painted vaulted ceiling which was resored in 2009
The final major addition of the later 15th century was the west tower. For this work the west wall of the nave was demolished, and two new walls were butted onto the original west quoins. These slightly lengthened the nave, and connected directly with the tower, which has angle-buttresses on the west and a north buttress on the N.E.
In 1858 the North Chancel was rebuilt and enlarged, and in 1881 the simple slates containing the Lord’s Prayer, Creed and Ten Commandments were removed to make room for a new stone reredos. The slates are stored in the ringing chamber from where the four church bells are rung.
In 2011 a new extension to the south of the nave was added. This gives a room for children’s groups during services, and a place to enjoy refreshments after the service. There is also a tea station and a wheelchair accessible WC with baby change facilities.
Amongst the many generations buried in Addington’s churchyard, our graveyard includes a monument to Captain William Locker (1731-1800) who was known to have mentored Lord Nelson when Nelson was a young lieutenant aged 19 years old. It is said that Nelson attended Captain Locker’s funeral from Greenwich, a journey that took all day!
After Locker died, Lord Nelson wrote a letter of condolence to Locker’s son John: “The greatest consolation to us, his friends that remain, is that he has left a character for honour and honesty which none of us can surpass and very few attain.”
For more detailed information about the church building, please click on the link below:
Kent Archaeological Society