Our Clergy Team

The Kent Downs and Malling Team Ministry is currently served by three full-time Clergy who work together to provide leadership and ministry across all seven churches.

Our Team Rector and Team Vicar are permanent ongoing roles. We also have a Team Curate, which is a training post. Our Curate will serve here for three years before going onto parishes of their own.

Rev David Green

Team Rector

Rev Canon Dr Helen Burn is in overall charge of our Team Ministry. Helen joined us in 2023.

Find out more about Helen here.

Rev David Green

Team Vicar

Rev David Green supports Helen in leadership across the Team. He has served here since 2011.

Find out more about David here.

Rev David Green

Team Curate

Rev Kelly Parsons works across the Team as she continues to train to be a Vicar in the Church of England.

Find out more about Kelly here.

We are also fortunate to have a number of retired Ministers living locally who serve from time-to-time within our churches by preaching or leading services. However they do not necessarily carry any leadership responsibilities in the ongoing life of the church.