Welcome to All Saints, Birling!

We are a small church in number but we seek to make a big difference in Birling. We are a church of all ages with an evangelical tradition. In all of our services we seek to worship God and make known the good news about Jesus Christ as he is revealed in the Bible, which is at the heart of our teaching and preaching.

We are always pleased to welcome new people and we hope the information on these pages helps you to find out more about us.

  • Birling worship

    About our services

    Find out more about our style of worship, the regular pattern of services and key things to know here.

  • Birling worship

    Who’s who at All Saints

    Alongside our Clergy Team, our Churchwardens and PCC members all play a role in leading our church. Find out more about them here.

  • Messy Church five loaves two fish

    Children and Youth at All Saints

    There's a variety of activities for children and young people in our church and as part of our Team.

  • safeguarding feature image

    Safeguarding at All Saints

    Its really important to us that everyone feels safe at All Saints. Find out more about how we seek to follow best practice in church safeguarding here.

  • Birling drone photo

    About Birling

    We can trace our history in Birling back to the Domesday Book. Find out more about our village here.

  • Birling church exterior

    About All Saints’ church building

    Find out more about the rich history and architecture of our Grade I listed church building.

  • Birling map

    How to find us at All Saints

    If you're not sure how to find us, this page provides our address, a map, as well as car parking and bus timetable details.