Kelly Parsons is our Team Curate. Curates are Clergy that are still training for ministry but are in the final stages of their preparation and training before they take on parishes of their own.
Kelly currently lives in Hadlow where she also worshipped prior to being ordained. Kelly’s background was in teaching and she holds a degree in Applied Animal Science. She trained for ministry at St Augustine’s College of Theology and was ordained in 2022.
Prior to ordination, Kelly worked full-time at Hadlow College where she taught young adults with learning and physical disabilities and managed a team of Learning Support Practitioners. She is married to Michael and they have three adult children. They also have a spaniel called Jasper!
Kelly says of herself:
“My journey to this point has been a complete rollercoaster and I feel like I have felt every emotion. I have grown so much and learnt so much and I am excited to explore this next stage of my training and the shaping of my ministry.”