Ryarsh PCC commit to supporting UK and international mission agencies each year. Currently we are supporting…
WEC International
We continue to support David and Margie Whitehorn who are Africa Secretaries for WEC, working with local churches supporting Christian mission in countries including DR Congo, Mozambique, Chad, Ghana, Senegal and Guinea Bissau.
Click here for David and Margie’s latest letter (December 2023)
Children’s Society
The PCC has recently taken on a commitment to a national agency working to support children by supporting The Children’s Society, which works to fight child poverty and neglect in the UK and help all children have a better life.
Church Mission Society
CMS Mission partners work in 42 countries, including Britain, supporting doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, teacher, agriculturalist, among others, working in sharing the Christian faith, sometimes in countries where this can be extremely dangerous.
Teso Development Trust
The TESO District in the east of Uganda is one of the poorest parts of the country. Amid a growing population, TESO works to help the Iteso people meet the challenges of schools and health provision, food production, water supply and equipping church leaders for growing congregations