On Sunday the 21st of April, the following announcement was made in all our parishes during the main Sunday service:
“The Bishop of Rochester is delighted to announce that The Revd David Green is to be appointed the new Vicar of the parish of St Luke’s in Tunbridge Wells, with a plan to be licenced in the early Autumn.
David served his curacy at St Philip & St James, Walderslade, and for the last 13 years, David has lived in West Malling and served first as Priest-in-Charge of West Malling, Offham and Kings Hill, then as Vicar to West Malling and Offham and, since 2022, as Team Vicar to the Kent Downs & Malling team ministry.
David trained for ordination at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. He holds a BA Honours degree in Biblical Studies from the University of Sheffield, and gained his Masters in Pastoral Theology while at Ridley. Prior to ordination, David worked in publishing and new media.
David writes “I am looking forward to building on the good foundations already present at St Luke’s, while also helping St Luke’s to fulfil its missional calling in our post-Pandemic world. I thrive on being able to reach out in the local community through schools, community groups, and with baptisms, weddings and funerals. As a keen liturgist and member of the Society for Liturgical Study, I am also enthusiastic to grow and equip the local church through the importance of the church’s worship and service.
I am interested in new media. I am a movie buff and have written and spoken about the use of moving imagery and films in church worship and outreach, and during a recent sabbatical explored the impact of online worship during the Pandemic. I am also a keen sports fan and particularly enjoy football and American Football. I am a former season ticket holder and long-suffering fan of Tottenham Hotspur and hold a coaching qualification with the British American Football Coaching Association!”
Please pray for David and Kerry, and their teenage children Bethya, Nathanael and Josiah, as they prepare to move house and for David to begin his new ministry in Tunbridge Wells.
David’s final Sunday in the Kent Downs team will be the 28th of July. The Green family hope to move into St Luke’s Vicarage during August.”
More details will follow in due course, including our plans to say goodbye to David, Kerry and the children. As the Bishop has asked, please do pray for them during this time of transition.